The Hamtown Pushmower Posse Manifesto
We, the members of the Hamtown Pushmower Posse, are guided by the following beliefs:
We believe in the power and principle of non-polluting lawn care and landscaping methods.
We believe that the use of gasoline-powered lawn care and landscaping equipment is incompatible with the needs of a compact, urban city such as Hamtramck.
We believe the air, noise and ground pollution produced by gasoline-powered lawn care and landscaping methods to be detrimental to the health and well-being of our community, in particular, our seniors, young people, and workers with non-traditional sleep schedules.
We believe that non-polluting lawn care and landscaping methods best serve the unique needs of Hamtramck and contribute to harmony between its citizens.
We believe that replacing gasoline-powered lawn care and landscaping methods with effective non-polluting lawn care and landscaping methods will markedly improve the quality of life in Hamtramck.
We believe in serving and espousing the principles of non-polluting lawn care and landscaping through example, action and education.
We believe that neighbors who practice non-polluting lawn care and landscaping methods make better neighbors.
We believe in striving, at all times and in all ways, to be better neighbors.